09 March 2017

 Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann is inviting local residents to provide feedback about their experience with the National Broadband Network (NBN).

Some suburbs, such as Redbank Plains, Bundamba, Leichhardt, Marburg, Fernvale and Esk are now able to access NBN internet plans. However, these connections will only come from the Turnbull Government’s copper-based Fibre to the Node (FTTN) plan, not Labor’s superior Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) model.

“From areas that already have Malcolm Turnbull’s flawed copper NBN we know that there have been significant issues including installation problems, outages and slow speeds,” Mr Neumann said.

“I want to know about your experience with getting connected to NBN, and once you are connected, if you’re actually getting the services you’re paying for.

“The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is stepping up its efforts in monitoring internet speeds, but Labor knows this will not solve the underlying problem that Malcolm Turnbull’s NBN relies on second-rate copper connections.

“Australians were promised fast and reliable broadband at affordable prices, yet this Government has shown consumers nothing but contempt.

“As Malcom Turnbull’s copper NBN rolls out it’s becoming increasingly clear that its reliance on outdated technology is leaving consumers stranded with slow speeds and unacceptably high drop-out rates.

“Instead of working to fix the problem the Turnbull Government is blaming everybody but themselves. This lack of accountability is leaving locals rightly frustrated and angry.

“You deserve to get the internet services and service you paid for and I am very interested to hear about your experiences. As your local member I will raise any relevant concerns you have about the NBN with the Turnbull Government and NBN Co.

“I encourage any residents that may wish to raise an objection, to contact my office on 3201 5300 by email at or on my Facebook page (@ShayneNeumannMP) to provide further details about your concerns, so I can continue to effectively advocate on this in Parliament.