10 June 2022

Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann has welcomed the opening of community consultation on the Cunningham Highway (Ipswich–Warwick) and Ipswich-Rosewood Road intersection business case.

As part of this process, the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is seeking community feedback on two proposed interim design options for the intersection.

Information about the project and online feedback forms are available at the project webpage at 

Residents can access an online survey, interactive map and find out more about the consultation process by clicking on the ‘Have your Say’ button.

Alternatively, a hard copy factsheet and feedback form can be requested by emailing or calling (07) 3066 4338.

Consultation has now started and closes on 10 July 2022.

Three community information sessions will also be held on the following dates where people can drop by and talk to the TMR project team:

  • Thursday 16 June, 5.30pm to 8pm at the Amberley Guide Hut, 21 Wellington Rise Willowbank
  • Saturday 18 June 2022, 10am to 2pm at Yamanto Central, 488 Warwick Road Yamanto
  • Sunday 3 July, 7am to 11am at the Walloon Markets (also known as My Local Market – Walloon) behind the Walloon Hotel 1 – 3 Queen Street, Walloon

Mr Neumann said the business case was expected to be completed later this year and he would be looking for real solutions to come out of it.

“This project is one of my highest priorities locally, given the congestion and safety concerns along the highway and intersection, and the rapid growth of this area,” he said.

“The Federal Government has committed a total of $16 million to majority fund Cunningham Highway upgrade planning, including for the Amberley intersection.

“Traffic flow rates are exceeding the capacity of the intersection, which is the main access point to Australia's largest operational air force base, resulting in significant delays along the highway.

“The business case has identified two design options to improve safety and efficiency for freight and passenger vehicles, bike riders and pedestrians, and service the high demands of RAAF Base Amberley.

“However, community consultation and feedback will be vital to the success of this project.

“Ensuring locals are kept well informed and have plenty of input into the proposed design is a key part of this process.

“I encourage residents to have their say, so we can deliver the best solution for people who use this road every day,” Mr Neumann said.

For more information about the Cunningham Highway upgrade project, contact TMR Metropolitan Region at or call (07) 3066 4338.

FRIDAY, 10 JUNE 2022