05 May 2021

Veterans in Blair are being encouraged to provide input to parliamentary inquiries into the Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) veteran pension and the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) military superannuation scheme.

In March, Labor established separate Senate inquiries into the adequacy of the TPI payment and DFRDB commutation arrangements.

Federal Member for Blair and Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Shayne Neumann said it was vital for local ex-service personnel and organisations to have their say.

“Many older and disabled veterans in my electorate of Blair and surrounds have raised these issues with me and they feel the Morrison Government has completely ignored them.

“I have listened to these concerns and have acted by setting up these open and independent inquiries so veterans can have their say.  

“I’m calling on TPI veterans and DFRDB scheme members in Ipswich, the Somerset Region and Katana Downs region to make a submission to these inquiries. There will also be a public hearing held later in May,” Mr Neumann said.

The TPI inquiry will examine the adequacy of, and indexation arrangements for, the TPI payment (Special Rate of Disability Pension) and the case for an increase in the pension.

The DFRDB inquiry will run in parallel and look at the accuracy of information provided to DFRDB members about the effects of commutation (exchanging part of their pension for a lump sum) on future retirement pay, and what remedial action could be taken. 

The Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee is conducting the inquiries, and Mr Neumann said he wanted to ensure the committee provided thorough and comprehensive reports.

“Labor is on the side of Australia’s veterans and we want to allow all voices to be heard,” he said.   

Once the consultation process has ended, the committee would consider all of the submissions and evidence from public hearings and deliver reports on the TPI and DFRDB pensions by 24 June 2021.

More information is available on the Parliament House website and veterans should check this regularly for updates:


Submissions can be posted to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee at PO Box 6100, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600, or emailed to fadt.sen@aph.gov.au  

The committee secretariat can be contacted by phone on (02) 6277 3535, fax on (02) 6277 5818 or by email at fadt.sen@aph.gov.au