24 March 2021

Up to $132,450 is available for community groups in Ipswich, the Somerset Region and Karana Downs area as part of the 2021 Blair Volunteer Grants round.

Federal Member for Blair, Shayne Neumann said grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available to eligible not-for-profit community organisations to support the efforts of their volunteers.

“Volunteers have an extraordinary impact in our local communities,” Mr Neumann said.

“These grants provide small grants for equipment, services and training to support those volunteers.

“Local community organisations need to contact my office to get an invitation to submit an expression of interest (EOI) for the grant.”

Eligible projects could include small equipment for use by volunteers, contributions to volunteers’ fuel costs, transport for volunteers with disability or unable to drive, training costs, background checks, adapting practices to support volunteer safety in the current pandemic, or promotional activities.

“This is about helping groups to look after their volunteers, who make a big difference in the community.

“unfortunately, I know this will be over-subscribed as we have so many eligible organisations but limited amounts of funding.”

Mr Neumann works with a local community consultative committee to determine which EOIs will be nominated to make a full application.

“In our recently closed Stronger Communities Program, 75 groups made applications seeking over $1.16 million for just $150,000 worth of available grants.

“It is important that groups get an EOI in as soon as they can.

“While there is a short time frame to submit the EOI, it is not an onerous task and groups can work with my office to make the best submissions possible.”

EOIs need to be submitted to Mr Neumann’s office by close of business, Friday 9 April 2021.

Contact his office on 3201 5300 or email Shayne.Neumann.MP@aph.gov.au