08 April 2021

Twelve local projects can share in $67,700 in grants as part of the 2021 Blair Powering Communities Program.

Federal Member for Blair, Shayne Neumann said grants of between $5,000 and $12,000 are available to eligible community organisations to help reduce energy efficiency practices and lower energy bills.

“The grant program will assist our community organisations invest in measures that will eventually save them money on some of their overhead costs,” Mr Neumann said.

“This could include renewable energy projects such as solar panels or the connection of batteries to solar panels.

“More than that, it could involve replacing old equipment such as commercial fridges or cold rooms, installing LED lighting or energy efficient air-conditioning.

“Local community organisations need to contact my office to get an invitation to submit an expression of interest (EOI) for the grant.”

Mr Neumann said the program can fund up to 12 projects across Ipswich, the Somerset Region and Karana Downs area.

“It is important that community groups get an EOI in as soon as they can.

“While there is a short time frame to submit the EOI, it is not an onerous task and groups can work with my office to make the best submissions possible.”

EOIs need to be submitted to Mr Neumann’s office by close of business, Friday 30 April 2021.

Contact his office on 3201 5300 or email Shayne.Neumann.MP@aph.gov.au