15 June 2021

Community groups, schools, churches and local Councils are urged to apply for up to $30 million of grants available as part of the Safer Communities Fund round 6.

Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann said the grant program had two streams: early intervention to youth, with grants of $200,000 up to $1.5 million; and security infrastructure grants of $10,000 to $500,000.

“The early intervention grants are available to community organisations that engage in early intervention activities with youth at high-risk of engaging in criminal activity or anti-social behaviour,” Mr Neumann said.

“The grant is aimed at helping marginalised youth aged 12 to 24 years at high risk to develop life skills, including through educational and vocation skills, to prevent them becoming entrenched in the criminal justice system.

“It is a fairly specialised area and only suitable for community organisations with a track-record in assisting youth to build resilience, cultural connections and job readiness skills.”

The second grant stream was open to community organisations and local Councils for security infrastructure to improve security and protect communities.

Eligible projects could include CCTV, fencing and bollards.

Mr Neumann said he understood there might be some hesitancy in applying for these grants, given the Morrison Government’s record in using these grants for their own communities.

“It is important our local needs are met and the best way to let the Government know what we need is to make these funding applications.

“I ask that local applicants keep me apprised of their applications so I can provide support and assistance.”

The early intervention grants close on 22 July 2021 while the security infrastructure grants close on 5 August 2021.

For more information and to apply for a Safer Communities grant, head to Or contact Mr Neumann at